In this World of Warcraft guide everything revolves around Shadowlands Inscription and how to level it.

Most important new features

  • Inscription scholars craft optional reagents – called Missives (of Mastery, Critical Strike, Haste and Versatility) – used by blacksmiths, jewelers, leatherworkers and tailors to determine the secondary stats of their created items.
  • You can also create Darkmoon cards again, this time even more targeted than ever before, using blank Darkmoon cards (example: Blank Card of Repose).

Shadowlands Inscription Trainer

Shadowlands Inscription can be learned with a Level 50 character or higher from the following teacher in Oribos:

Shadowlands Inscription Trainer in Oribos
Shadowlands Inscription Trainer in Oribos

If you can’t find your teacher directly, you can ask a city guard at any given time.

New Crafting Reagents

Sold by vendors

Herbs and Mass Mill in Shadowlands

Reputation-bound Recipes (and where to get them)

Shadowlands Inscription: 1-100

Please be aware, that reagents and itemlevel in tooltips may not be correct.
Blizzard is still not done with adjusting the required reagents for professions.

The journal for Shadowlands Inscription is called Scribes Journal.

All in all I needed almost 900 herbs (200 Nightshade) to reach the maximum skill.
So with ~1000 herbs you should be good to go.


15x Umbral Ink or Luminous Ink
15 Luminous / Umbral Pigment, 15 Aerated Water, 15 Rune Etched Vial


5-7x Umbral Ink or Luminous Ink
5-7 Luminous / Umbral Pigment, 5-7 Aerated Water, 5-7 Rune Etched Vial


5-20x Umbral Ink or Luminous Ink
5-20 Luminous / Umbral Pigment, 5-20 Aerated Water, 5-20 Rune Etched Vial


5-7x Writ of Grave Robbing – 5-10 Luminous Ink, 5-10 Umbral Ink


25x Mass Mill – 500 Shadowlands Herbs (25x 20 herbs)
I recommend Death Blossom, because they will probably be the cheapest as they can grow in any area, unlike other herbs.


10x Tranquil Ink
10 Tranquil Pigment, 10 Aerated Water, 10 Rune Etched Vial

Surely there are cheaper ways to move forward here in the next two steps, but we will need the Tranquil Inks later anyway.


5-7x Tranquil Ink
5-7 Tranquil Pigment, 5-7 Aerated Water, 5-7 Rune Etched Vial


5-20x Tranquil Ink
5-20 Tranquil Pigment, 5-20 Aerated Water, 5-20 Rune Etched Vial


Choose one of these options:

From this point on you could continue to skill with Missives, they remain orange until Skill 85.
From a gold-technical point of view, it makes more sense to go directly to the Darkmoon Cards, because they need only a few more inks but bring much more gold – especially at the beginning of the expansion.


15x Darkmoon Card of Death
105 Luminous Ink, 105 Umbral Ink, 15 Tranquil Ink


5-7x Darkmoon Card of Death
35-49 Luminous Ink, 35-49 Umbral Ink, 5-7 Tranquil Ink

All Shadowlands Recipes

Please be aware, that reagents and itemlevel in tooltips may not be correct.
Blizzard is still not done with adjusting the required reagents for professions.

Books & Scrolls

Recipe (Skill)Reagents
Codex of the Still Mind (50)3x  Luminous Ink, 3x  Umbral Ink, 25x  Dark Parchment
Tome of the Still Mind (15)7x  Luminous Ink, 7x  Umbral Ink,
1x  Tranquil Ink, 75x  Dark Parchment
Writ of Grave Robbing (10)
Unlock keys up to Skill 625
1x  Luminous Ink, 1x  Umbral Ink, 1x  Dark Parchment
Fae Festmaske – Transmog
Crafted by Fae Revel Masque (90)
Technique: Fae Revel Masque
3x  Luminous Ink, 3x  Umbral Ink,
2x  Twilight Bark, 1x  Sealing Wax


All contracts grant reputation with specific factions when you complete a world quest. To buy the recipe for these contracts you have to be revered with the respective factions to buy them from their Quartermasters. They can be used with a friendly reputation with the respective faction. Contracts are always, but especially at the beginning of an expansion, a good source of income for this profession.

Recipe (Skill)Reagents
 Contract: The Ascended (60)5x  Luminous Ink, 5x  Umbral Ink, 1x  Dark Parchment
 Contract: The Undying Army (60)5x  Luminous Ink, 5x  Umbral Ink, 1x  Dark Parchment
 Contract: The Wild Hunt (60)5x  Luminous Ink, 5x  Umbral Ink, 1x  Dark Parchment
 Contract: Court of Harvesters (60)5x  Luminous Ink, 5x  Umbral Ink, 1x  Dark Parchment

Take a look at the reputation-bound recipes to find out where to get the techniques for these contracts.

Darkmoon Cards

Being a tradition for years, darkmoon cards are produced with the help of inscription. Each set consists of 8 cards from 2 to 8 plus an ace. If you have a complete set you can create an iLvl 200 jewel with use effect (3 minutes cooldown). Especially in the initial phase of the expansion these cards are usually very expensive.

Obtainable Sets:

Darkmoon Card of Death

Darkmoon Card of Death randomly creates one of the 32 darkmoon cards. Sometimes you get an additional blank card (Blank Card of the Indomitable, Blank Card of Putresence, Blank Card of Voracity or Blank Card of Repose), which has to be combined with one more ink to become a random card of the given set. These blank cards are so to speak procs in the production and a real stroke of luck!

Recipe (Skill)Reagents
Darkmoon Card of Death (80)7x  Luminous Ink, 7x  Umbral Ink,
1x  Tranquil Ink, 1x  Dark Parchment
 Darkmoon Card of the Indomitable (80)1x  Blank Card of the Indomitable, 1x  Tranquil Ink
 Darkmoon Card of Putrescence (80)1x  Blank Card of Putresence, 1x  Tranquil Ink
 Darkmoon Card of Voracity (80)1x  Blank Card of Voracity, 1x  Tranquil Ink
 Darkmoon Card of Repose (80)1x  Blank Card of Repose, 1x  Tranquil Ink

Weapons: Itemlevel 100

Item & Recipe (Skill)Reagents
Item – Offhand
Crafted by Newly Departed Codex (20)
1 Optional Reagent (Itemlevel)
10x  Luminous Ink
10x  Umbral Ink
50x  Dark Parchment
Item – Staff (Agility)
Crafted by Soul Keeper’s Column (25)
1 Optional Reagent (Itemlevel)
22x  Umbral Ink
3x  Twilight Bark
1x  Sealing Wax
Item – Staff (Intelligence)
Crafted by Soul Keeper’s Spire (25)
1 Optional Reagent (Itemlevel)
22x  Luminous Ink
3x  Twilight Bark
1x  Sealing Wax

Vantus Runes

 Vantus Rune: Castle Nathria (100)10x  Luminous Ink, 10x  Umbral Ink,
1x  Tranquil Ink, 1x  Dark Parchment

Optional Reagents

Item & Recipe (Skill)Reagents
Crafted by Missive of Critical Strike (40)
guarantees the secondary stat Critical Strike
8x Luminous Ink, 2x Umbral Ink,
1x Tranquil Ink, 1x Dark Parchment
Crafted by Missive of Haste (40)
guarantees the secondary stat Haste
6x Luminous Ink, 4x Umbral Ink,
1x Tranquil Ink, 1x Dark Parchment
Crafted by Missive of Mastery (40)
guarantees the secondary stat Mastery
4x Luminous Ink, 6x Umbral Ink,
1x Tranquil Ink, 1x Dark Parchment
Crafted by Missive of Versatility (40)
guarantees the secondary stat Versatility
2x Luminous Ink, 8x Umbral Ink,
1x Tranquil Ink, 1x Dark Parchment
Crafted by Novice Crafter’s Mark (40)
Set the Item Level to 87 and the Required Level to 50
5x  Umbral Ink
1x  Dark Parchment
1x  Sealing Wax
Crafted by Crafter’s Mark I (45)
Set the Item Level to 117 and the Required Level to 55
5x Umbral Ink
1x Dark Parchment
3x Sealing Wax
Crafted by Crafter’s Mark II (100)
Set the Item Level to 168 and the Required Level to 60
15x Umbral Ink
5x Dark Parchment
5x Sealing Wax