In this guide, you will learn how to level the Cooking Profession in Shadowlands efficiently and inexpensively.

Most important new features

  • Friends of the Bear Tartar, there is good news! Shadowlands brings back a buff food of this kind with the Gebratenen Grätenfisch!
  • Per cooking you get 3 dishes.

Shadowlands Cooking Trainer

You can learn Shadowlands Cooking with a Level 50 character or higher from this trainer in Oribos:

  • WoW Allianz WoW Horde Chef Au’krut – Oribos, Hall of Shapes (46.2, 25.6)
    If you can’t find your trainer directly, you can also ask a city guard.
Shadowlands Cooking Trainer in Oribos
Shadowlands Cooking Trainer in Oribos

New Cooking Ingredients in Shadowlands



Sold by vendors

Reputation-bound Recipes (and where to get them)

Shadowlands Cooking: 1-75

Please be aware, that reagents and itemlevel in tooltips may not be correct.
Blizzard is still not done with adjusting the required reagents for professions.

The Journal for Shadowlands Cooking is called Cook’s Journal.

Shopping List

The following list of materials is only a rough guide to get an overview of the quantitative dimensions of reagents needed to skill at maximum level! Depending on your luck or bad luck with the yellow/green recipes you might need more or less materials.



20x Sauerfleischsmoothie

Recipe: Sauerfleischsmoothie



10x Süße Silberkiemenwürste

Recipe: Süße Silberkiemenwürste



20x Bananenpudding mit Rind

Recipe: Bananenpudding mit Rind



10x Steak à la Mode

Recipe: Steak à la Mode



15x Seraphenflügel

Recipe: Seraphenflügel


All Shadowlands Recipes

Please be aware, that reagents and itemlevel in tooltips may not be correct.
Blizzard is still not done with adjusting the required reagents for professions.

You will get 3 rations per cooking process for all buff-food in Shadowlands (except feasts).

Small Meals

Small meals can be enjoyed from level 50.

Dish & Recipe (Skill)GrantsIngredients
Biscuits and Caviar
Recipe: Biscuits and Caviar
1x  Lost Sole
1x Rich Grazer Milk
1x Lusterwheat Flour
Pickled Meat Smoothie
Recipe: Pickled Meat Smoothie
Stamina1x Aethereal Meat
1x Smuggled Azerothian Produce
1x Inconceivably Aged Vinegar
Recipe: Sweet Silvergill Sausages (10)
Versatility3x  Silvergill Pike
3x  Medley of Transplanar Spices
Recipe: Cinnamon Bonefish Stew (20)
Haste3x  Pocked Bonefish
1x  Medley of Transplanar Spices
1x  Smuggled Azerothian Produce
1x  Lusterwheat Flou
Recipe: Meaty Apple Dumplings (15)
Mastery3x  Shadowy Shank
1x  Smuggled Azerothian Produce
1x  Rich Grazer Milk
1x  Lusterwheat Flour
Recipe: Butterscotch Marinated Ribs (10)
Crit3x  Tenebrous Ribs
1x  Rich Grazer Milk
1x  Inconceivably Aged Vinegar
1x  Smuggled Azerothian Produce

Large Meals

Small meals can be enjoyed from level 55.

Dish & Recipe (Skill)GrantsIngredients
Recipe: Candied Amberjack Cakes (30)
3x  Iridescent Amberjack
3x  Pocked Bonefish
2x  Lusterwheat Flour
2x  Medley of Transplanar Spices
2x  Smuggled Azerothian Produce
Recipe: Banana Beef Pudding (30)
Stamina3x  Aethereal Meat
3x  Phantasmal Haunch
3x  Rich Grazer Milk
3x  Lusterwheat Flour
Recipe: Steak a la Mode (40)
Versatility3x  Shadowy Shank
3x  Raw Seraphic Wing
2x  Rich Grazer Milk
2x  Medley of Transplanar Spices
2x  Inconceivably Aged Vinegar
Recipe: Iridescent Ravioli with Apple Sauce (50)
Mastery3x  Iridescent Amberjack
3x  Lost Sole
3x  Smuggled Azerothian Produce
2x Lusterwheat Flour
1x  Inconceivably Aged Vinegar
Recipe: Tenebrous Crown Roast Aspic (40)
Haste3x  Tenebrous Ribs
3x  Creeping Crawler Meat
4x  Medley of Transplanar Spices
2x  Rich Grazer Milk
Recipe: Spinefin Souffle and Fries (45)
Crit3x  Spinefin Piranha
3x Iridescent Amberjack
4x  Smuggled Azerothian Produ
2x  Inconceivably Aged Vinegar

Soul Food

These dishes have mainly useful and funny effects.

Dish & Recipe (Skill)GrantsIngredients
Recipe: Fried Bonefish (70)
Movement Speed after killing an enemy4x  Lost Sole
2x  Pocked Bonefish
2x Spinefin Piranha
2x  Medley of Transplanar Spices
2x  Inconceivably Aged Vinegar
2x  Lusterwheat Flour
Recipe: Seraph Tenders (60)
3250 heal every 5 seconds4x  Raw Seraphic Wing
2x  Lost Sole
2x  Silvergill Pike
3x  Rich Grazer Milk
3x  Lusterwheat Flour
Recipe: Smothered Shank (60)
Periodically breath fire4x Shadowy Shank
2x  Lost Sole
2x  Spinefin Piranha
2x  Medley of Transplanar Spices
2x  Rich Grazer Milk
2x  Lusterwheat Flour


Dish & Recipe (Skill)GrantsIngredients
Recipe: Surprisingly Palatable Feast (70)
Primary Stat
5x  Iridescent Amberjack
5x  Pocked Bonefish
5x  Raw Seraphic Wing
5x  Creeping Crawler Meat
3x  Elysian Thade
5x Medley of Transplanar Spices
3x Lusterwheat Flour
2x  Inconceivably Aged Vinegar
Recipe: Feast of Gluttonous Hedonism (75)
Primary Stat
10x  Spinefin Piranha
10x  Silvergill Pike
10x  Tenebrous Ribs
10x  Phantasmal Haunch
5x  Elysian Thade
5x Smuggled Azerothian Produ
5x Rich Grazer Milk
5x  Medley of Transplanar Spices
Feast of Gluttonous Hedonism
Feast of Gluttonous Hedonism